1 MONTH #diveintothrive CHALLENGE


Transform Your Body & Your Mind In Just 12 Minutes Per Day - No Equipment Needed!

 Designed Exclusively for MUMS

Start T.H.R.I.V.I.N.G Now!

20 Workouts

You'll be sent 20 Workouts (5 / week) via video with a PDF download of the exercises, to help improve your cardiovascular and musculoskeletal fitness, tone your body and help you feel AMAZING.

4 Self-Care Sessions

Part of creating a healthy life is looking after and caring for yourself. Therefore  your challenge includes 12 minutes a week of doing just this. 

4 Meal Planning Sessions

Being 'healthy' has a lot to do with what you put into your body. So the challenge includes Meal Planning for the week ahead. 

Daily Motivation

I want to support you and encourage you throughout the challenge so I'll be in touch with you daily to do of those things to ensure you keep going!

What Can You REALLY Achieve in 12 Minutes A Day?

In just 12 minutes a day - you can change A LOT! All of which will benefit your physical AND mental health.

Don't believe me?

Try the #diveintothrive 1 Month Challenge now- you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

SO WHAT IS #diveintothrive?

  • Homeworkouts, no equipment or gym membership needed with the follow along daily videos!
  • Burn Body Fat and Get Stronger with these specially formulated 12-Minute metabolic circuits designed to effortlessly burn fat for up to 38 hours after each session!
  • Get stronger, leaner, faster and feel more energised in just 28 days with a new challenge every day that will sculpt your muscle, fast track your fitness and get you mentally and physically healthier!
  • Create and automate new healthy habits in your life which will build up to give you a life where you THRIVE rather than just survive!
  • Get Started Right Now! The challenge starts when YOU sign up – and YOU will be accountable to stay on track each day with a time-limit of 24 hours to complete each Challenge!
  • Appropriate for ALL FITNESS LEVELS: Modifications and form direction provided with every workout so you can exercise safely, effectively and within your limits!
  • Daily Print-Outable Workout Sheets delivered to your Inbox to save and re-do whenever you want!
  • Enjoy a specially discounted  rate on the Meal Plans I have developed to compliment and turbo charge your success in this Challenge!

Start Today!

Decide You Want To Make A Change and Take Action.

Tiny Little Changes - Even 12 Minutes per Day Add Up To Create A Huge Shift.



Hey I'm Bex!

A mum of 3 small people , Personal Trainer (CYQ CPT), Nutritionist (CfNRegNutr), Life Coach (BSc, NLP Dip) & Author (Mummahood: The Experts Guide to a Fit, Healthy & Happy Pregnancy’) and your guide through #diveintothrive.

Since having Ava, my first daughter, 5 years ago I've dedicated my working life to trying to make the lives of mums like you healthier and happier through exercise, nutrition and self care.

I believe that every mother deserves to THRIVE and my mission is to show you exactly how by making little pivots in your daily lifestyle that all build up to create huge change.

I can't wait to start working with you!