Hey! I'm Bex
I help mums to feel amazing about themselves. I do this by helping them lose weight, tone and tighten their bodies and show them how to get fitter, healthier and more confident than they’ve ever been.
I show them how to exercise in the most fun and time efficient ways and teach them to eat healthily for their goals and routine (without taking the joy out of food and eating) and support them so they create a lifestyle they love.
The result?
They transform their bodies, and, in the process, regain their confidence, their love for themselves and their abs!

When I had my first baby, Ava, back in 2015 – I had already qualified as a PT, nutritionist and life coach but nothing prepared me for what pregnancy, labour and motherhood would do to my body (and my brain!)
Don’t get me wrong – I worked-out like a daemon throughout my pregnancy, ate healthily (although…not sure scoffing 5 snickers a day or ploughing my way through a giant, milk chocolate toblerone in one sitting was exactly part of my healthy meal plan though…) and even wrote a book about pregnancy.
But the 40 hours of labour, natural birth, 6 weeks of a screaming baby suffering from colic and silent reflux, excruciating nipples and an exhaustion like nothing I’d experienced before was definitely not what I had planned for, or expected!
I felt like I’d been hit by a double-decker and didn’t know how to put myself or my healthy lifestyle back together.
I’d always been so in-control of my body but suddenly I was feeling parts of me that I didn’t know I could feel (hello nipples in the shower!! What is that about??) and could barely find the time to condition my very dry and wiry hair let alone practice any kind of self-care or exercise.
Life felt uncontrollable and I tumbled into the chaos.
Gone were my daily workouts. Gone was my healthy eating (I actually had a couple of days of eating nothing except for flapjacks and cold tea). Gone were the things that made me feel good about myself.
I was a mum and that was the sacrifice I had agreed to make to become one. Well that’s what I believed and that’s what society seemed to tell me.
But was this making me happy? Was this making me the best mum I could be?
I’d gone from a happy, energised, motivated, independent woman who knew what she wanted and what made her tick to an empty (very tired) body that kept her baby alive and often did little wees when I stood up.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Keeping your baby alive is definitely the number 1 priority.
But that doesn’t have to be all we’re about as soon as we birth that little, pink, wrinkled, flem-covered ball of cuteness.

And this realisation – that life could and should be more than this. That just because I was a mum didn’t mean I didn’t matter any more. Didn’t mean my needs were no longer important. Didn’t mean that I could no longer take any time at all for myself. Didn’t mean that my body would always be just a little bit flabby and that I’d always do just a little bit of wee when I laughed, coughed or jumped. Didn’t mean my life as an individual was over for good. Didn’t mean that my personal happiness was not important.
This realisation was the start of my journey to building my life back up. Not my old life. But my new life as a mum and, rather than a mum instead of…
And I did it. I can honestly say that I have 4 young children and I have never felt better about myself. I am thriving. I have a body I’m proud of. I practise self-care that makes me feel energised and alive. I have healthy and happy relationships with others and myself. I’m fulfilled in my personal and professional life. And I’m a great mum.
And I’m not saying any of this to brag I’m telling you this to inspire you. To let you know it is possible (even on those days when just getting them all up, fed, clothed and out seem impossible). Because if I can do it. You most definitely can too.

And this is what I want to share with you.
How you as your best, most confident, most glorious self is not over. It’s just the beginning. It may not look the same. You may not look the same. But you will thrive. You will flourish. You will find a new you that is a mum (and a loving, devoted, committed mum) but that also is so much more.
Now I am no model citizen I have crappy days like the best of them when the thought of a workout or eating anything that’s not made in a factory with a whole heap of sugar is a total turn-off and the kids spend the day watching ‘Mia and Me’ for hours on end whilst I surf social media feeling utterly inadequate!
But my commitment to you is to bring you the best of what I’ve learnt and experienced and do, in my daily life, whilst being honest with you along the way. I will help you to create a sustainable, healthy, realistic lifestyle that you love and that makes sure you’ll achieve your goals.
I will support you and bring you the best that I’ve got and I know that we can do this together!
So if you want to find yourself again, if you want to find the new you, if you want to feel amazing and confident and fulfilled again, then let’s do this.
Let me take you by the hand and show you exactly how. I promise that you will LOVE the results. And I won’t stop working with you until you do.
Click below, now, if you’re ready to transform your body and your life.
WORK WITH ME10 Things (you might find interesting) About Me
- I’m 39 years old
- I LOVE anything sweet – chocolate, cake, biscuits – you name it, and I have at least one of these a day!
- We very very nearly called our son Freddie Fredericks…but compromised on giving him Freddie as a middle name
- I curl my hair using toilet paper (yup it’s that glamorous!) It’s clean paper I promise!
- I met my husband using a website called My Single Friend, on my first day on the site and his last, and we moved in together exactly 1 month after first meeting
- I’m a super fussy eater – even the fact I hate cucumbers sneaked into my wedding vows
- I always eat my kid’s treats and have to make up a lie about where they’ve disappeared to…
- I’m getting bunions, so my feet have gone from a part of my body I really like to a part of my body I try and hide
- I love to travel and in Ava’s first year of life she did 40 international flights (she also went to 7 different countries whilst still in utero)
- If you call me Becky I will never speak to you again ;)
Ready to get started?
Today is the day! Let's do this!
Do you want to lose your 'Mummy Tummy' and get a more toned and tighter tummy?