Hey Gorgeous Mumma!
Do you want to create a realistic, sustainable, healthy lifestyle?
Do you want to lose weight, tone your body & look & feel better than ever before?
Would you like someone to take you by the hand and show you exactly how to do it?
If that's a YES - you're in the right place!
It's time to T.H.R.I.V.E

If you want to lose that mummy tummy and feel tighter and more toned then I’ve got you. Click here to access my FREE video training.

We can work together in 2 ways: 1-2-1 or via my 6 Week Online Training Program.

Unsure whether we'd be a good fit? Click here for a free consultation with me.
About Me
Hi! I’m Bex, mum of 3 (all under 5 yrs old…..I know….) Personal Trainer (CYQ CPT), Nutritionist (CfNRegNutr), Life Coach (NLP Dip) with a degree in Psychology (BSc) & Author (Mummahood: The Experts Guide to a Fit, Healthy & Happy Pregnancy’) and eternal optimist dedicated to helping you become your healthiest and happiest self.

Laura Sonnenberg
Mum of 2
"After my pregnancy, I found it difficult to find any clear guidance on how to begin safely exercising again, particularly after having a caesarian. I wanted to work out but didn’t want to cause myself further damage, and felt very weak. In my first session Bex assessed my physical condition and gave me some exercises to do at home to help with my mild diastasis. Over the course of the following weeks, I was amazed by how much I was able to achieve both in terms of strength and cardio training. I fully expected that my body would fall apart after one burpee! In fact, I now feel stronger and have lost all my baby weight. Amazingly, the numbness I felt around where I had the caesarian has completely gone and I feel like my body is more capable of coping with the physical challenges of looking after a baby. I really enjoyed the sessions and have a clear idea of what I need to do, both in terms of diet and exercise, to continue to work towards my goals."

Susannah Griffiths
Mum of 2
"Bex is an incredible force of nature. She has so much energy and drive and genuinely enjoys seeing people get results. She is totally invested in her clients’ progress and so supportive when working with her. Her workouts are fun and varied and get great results. I love working out with Bex and have never felt stronger, fitter and better about myself. Highly recommend."
How To Lose Your 'Mummy Tummy'
Download this free short video training showing you 3 simple and quick exercises you can do anywhere, anytime to help you get a smooth, toned tummy!