Are you in the middle of 'The Midlife Collision'?


Apparently around 1.3 million of us in the UK are in the middle of 'the midlife collision', but what is it and what can we do about it?

In today’s video we look at the extreme pressures that this generation are under - the serious consequences to their home, and work life and I share 4 tips to help you to cope.

The 'sandwich generation' have it tough - but remember you're not alone.

If you want some extra support and guidance, I'd love to help you just check out my coaching packages and we can get started!

Have a great week

With love

Bex xx

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5 Simple Ways To Get 'Menopause-Ready'


Are you 'menopause-ready'? And if you're not 'menopause-ready' are you doing anything to prepare yourself, physically and mentally for menopause?

If the M word fills you will horror and you feel like it’s miles away for you, so not on your radar at the moment - you’re wrong!

And here’s why:

Perimenopause (the hormone fluctuations and resulting menopause symptoms) can start as early as your 30s for some women, and those that are healthier experience the ‘easiest’ transition into Menopause.

We can never be too prepared, or too healthy, so today I wanted to share 5 simple ways that you can start to prep for the big M, today.

And if you'd like some more help and more support to help you through perimenopause, or to prepare your body and mind for it, please check out my Very Modern Menopause Coaching Package.

Here I work with you, 1-2-1 and show you exactly how to change your diet and exercise regime in order to support your hormones and your changing...

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Are You A Member of The Clean Plate Club?


Who’s a member of the clean-plate club? I definitely am. If it’s on my plate - and tastes good - I’ll eat it whether I’m full or not.

As kids our parents often want to promote 'good manners' or are worried about 'wasting food'. However, as adults, this habit can create a real problem.

This habit can work to really interfere with our bodies natural hunger and fullness cues leading to overeating and weight-gain.

In today’s video, I share 3 tips to help you to respectfully hang up your uniform, return the badge and leave the club altogether.

If you'd like more support and help with your feelings and behaviour around food then I'd love to have a chat to see how my food coaching program could help you.

With love

Bex xx

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Willpower - More Myth than Muscle?


Do you find yourself relying on will-power to reach your goals?  And, do you find that, more often than not - your will power fails and you spiral down with thoughts of how you always fail and how you’ll never manage to XYZ?

Have you ever thought that maybe it’s not actually your fault? Many of us think that mastering our desires is simply a matter of practice makes perfect. 

But in reality studies have shown that those who were able to exert more self control were not more successful in reaching their goals.  It was found that the more effort they put in, the more exhausted and depleted they felt. These studies concluded that forcing yourself to ‘just do it’ is often counterproductive, at best helping in the short term, but setting you up for failure in the long term, when it really counts!

So, if you’ve got a goal in mind, don’t just rely on your will power to achieve it.  Try these 3 helpful techniques to support you and...

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Emotional Eating


Are you an emotional eater?

I definitely am! But what’s the difference between hedonic and homeostatic hunger, and why is one healthier than the other?

Watch today’s video to find out some strategies to help you to combat emotional eating.

If you’d like more help then please do reach out, I’d love to hear from you

Have a wonderful week

With love


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Chocolate Now or Jump-suit Later


If you’ve found yourself reaching for a short-term reward over a long term benefit - you’re not alone! It’s one of the most common issues my clients face.


This cognitive bias is called ‘Delay Discounting’ and is a term used in behavioral psychology to describe the way people tend to devalue rewards and benefits that are further off in the future, compared to those that can be obtained immediately. 


In the context of weight loss, this often translates to choosing the immediate pleasure of eating a tempting treat over the more distant reward of achieving a weight loss goal.


Understanding delay discounting is crucial because it helps us recognise why making consistent, healthful choices can be so (so) difficult. 


Every time we opt for a quick, unhealthy snack over a healthier option that benefits us in the long run, we are experiencing delay discounting. This bias can lead to a cycle of poor choices that derail weight...

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Are you a 'Binge-Eater'?


Do you binge-eat? It could be that giant bag of Kettle Crisps that you just keep munching, it could be second, or third helpings on pasta or it could just be really large portions at each meal time.

When there is such an abundance of food, it can be difficult to over-ride some deep seated evolutionary programming telling us to eat everything because we don't know when we'll be eating again!

But a psychologal tool that I find really helpful for my clients who have issues with over-eating or what we call ‘unhealthy food habits’ is called ‘The Retrospective’.

It’s really simple but really effective way to break an unhealthy habit.  

Click on the video and find how to perform The Retrospective on yourself. 

And if you'd like some more help - I'd love to chat to see how my coaching will help!


With love

Bex xxx


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Can't Stop Self Sabotaging?


I'm with you!

I know exactly what to do, but do I do it?  Nope!

What's more, I then beat myself up afterwards for not doing it. I judge myself.

It could be writing that email, it could be making that call, but, more often than not, it's sweeping the left over food off the kid's plates whilst I'm tidying the kitchen.

In the cold light of day I realise that's pretty grim, I don't want (or need) that excess food, but still I do it.

I'm sabotaging my own success.

And that's not just my imagination, the self-sabotage thing - it's a real psychological phenomenon.

In fact, your mind is constantly sabotaging your potential for peak performance and happiness.

Every single negative emotion that you experience, from self-doubt to stress, is the result of one of your ‘saboteurs’.

If you can relate, and want to learn more, click on the video.

Positive intelligence (PQ) coaching (developed by Stanford professor and best selling author Shirzad Chamine) uses research based...

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Post Baby Core Workout - Lesson 2


Following on from lesson 1, I wanted to show you some exercises that you can use to progress your diastasis healing.

These exercises are designed to be a stage 2, for after you are practised at the breathing technique and are able to engage the core from the pelvic floor all the way up to the diaphragm with your breath.

Today we’re performing each exercise for 1 minute - again focusing on nice long exhales with the S breath. Again we’ve got 5 new exercises to do and we’re doing 2 circuits - so the workout only last 10 minutes. 

However please feel free to continue going after the video stops! I’ve only done them so quickly because it’s a video - in my programs and with my PT clients we spend a long time really working through these exercises.


Exercise 1: Superman Extension

Exercise 2: Back Lying Knee Push - Right. Lying on your back, bring the right knee up and position on the inside of your left knee, with your left hand push into your...

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Post Baby Core Workout - Lesson 3


In this 3rd lesson in the series I take you through another 5 exercises to help you to heal your core and your diastasis recti having had a baby.

These 5 exercises are a progression on from the exercises shown in Lesson 1 and 2, therefore if you aren't able to properly engage the core using the correct breathing technique do head over to www.rebeccafredericks.com/get-started and learn the exact technique that you need to be doing throughout these exercises.

Try the following, 2 - 3 rounds, 1 minute per exercise:

Exercise 1: Bridge with Moving Ball: Exhaling and zipping up whilst going into the bridge and bringing the ball forwards to your hips

Exercise 2: Side Lying Twist - Right: Exhale and zip up whilst twisting the knees up (don't roll onto your back)

Exercise 3: Side Lying Twist - Left: Exhale and zip up whilst twisting the knees up (don't roll onto your back)

Exercise 4: Kneeling Twist - Right: Exhale and zip up whilst twisting the top part of the torso to the right

Exercise 5:...

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