Post Baby Workout

Uncategorized Feb 23, 2021

Having just had a baby it can be dangerous to dive straight back in to exercise in the way you did before.

Even after you’ve had the all clear from your health-care provider it’s still important you don’t start jumping up and down off big boxes or crunching your way back to your pre-baby best.

Many women will have pregnancy and labour related issues like diastasis recti or some kind of prolapse, which, many exercises can make considerably worse.

This gentle routine is diastasis safe and gentle enough to do, when you feel ready, having had your baby (do wait for that 6 / 8 / 10 / 12 week Dr’s check-up first though).

Go for 15 reps per side / exercise for 3 rounds:

1.Pistol Squat - left leg

2.Pistol Squat - right leg

3.Side Plank with Clam Shell - left side

4.Side Plank with Clam Shell - right leg

5.Spine Curl with Glute and Adductor Squeeze

6.Rebound Lunge with Rotation

Rest as and when you need to!

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